Issue 4, 2018

Electrochemical hydrogenation of a benzannulated pyridine to a dihydropyridine in acidic solution


The electrochemistry of pyridines in acidic solution is dominated by a ‘weak acid’ reduction on the cyclic voltammetry timescale. Here we show that electrochemical hydrogenation of a benzannulated pyridine, phenanthridine (1), to the biomimetic hydride donor 1,2-dihydrophenanthridine (1-H2) can occur selectively at glassy carbon electrodes over longer timescales of potentiostatic electrolysis.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical hydrogenation of a benzannulated pyridine to a dihydropyridine in acidic solution

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Article information

Article type
12 Oct 2017
30 Nov 2017
First published
30 Nov 2017

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 338-341

Electrochemical hydrogenation of a benzannulated pyridine to a dihydropyridine in acidic solution

P. K. Giesbrecht, D. B. Nemez and D. E. Herbert, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 338 DOI: 10.1039/C7CC07907A

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