Issue 75, 2017

Exploiting Le Chatelier's principle for a one-pot synthesis of nontoxic HHogGNPs with the sharpest nanoscopic features suitable for tunable plasmon spectroscopy and high throughput SERS sensing


Applying Le Chatelier's principle, a one-pot synthesis method is reported that generates highly anisotropic hedgehog gold nanoparticles (HHogGNPs), undemanding of a preformed seed or surfactant. These non-toxic HHogGNPs are potent candidates for nanomedicinal applications owing to their broad-band plasmon tunability, gigantic Raman enhancement and remarkable retention in a highly salted physiological environment.

Graphical abstract: Exploiting Le Chatelier's principle for a one-pot synthesis of nontoxic HHogGNPs with the sharpest nanoscopic features suitable for tunable plasmon spectroscopy and high throughput SERS sensing

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Article information

Article type
13 Jul 2017
24 Aug 2017
First published
25 Aug 2017

Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 10402-10405

Exploiting Le Chatelier's principle for a one-pot synthesis of nontoxic HHogGNPs with the sharpest nanoscopic features suitable for tunable plasmon spectroscopy and high throughput SERS sensing

M. Bhattacharya, V. Mazov, B. Satpati, P. Jena, S. Das Chakraborty, S. Kumar, B. Pathak, D. V. Kuznetsov and D. Senapati, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 10402 DOI: 10.1039/C7CC05419J

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