Issue 30, 2017

Intrinsic and light-induced nonadiabatic phenomena in the NaI molecule


Nonadiabatic effects play a very important role in controlling chemical dynamical processes. They are strongly related to avoided crossings (AC) or conical intersections (CIs) which can either be present naturally or induced by classical laser light in a molecular system. The latter are named as “light-induced avoided crossings” (LIACs) and “light-induced conical intersections” (LICIs). By performing one or two dimensional quantum dynamical calculations LIAC and LICI situations can easily be created even in diatomic molecules. Applying such calculations for the NaI molecule, which is a strongly coupled diatomic in field free case, significant differences between the impact of the LIAC and LICI on the ground state population dynamics were observed. Moreover, obtained results undoubtedly demonstrate that the effect of the LIAC and LICI on the dynamics strongly depends on the intensity and the frequency of the applied laser field as well as the permanent dipole moments of the molecule.

Graphical abstract: Intrinsic and light-induced nonadiabatic phenomena in the NaI molecule

Article information

Article type
04 Apr 2017
04 May 2017
First published
04 May 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 19656-19664

Intrinsic and light-induced nonadiabatic phenomena in the NaI molecule

A. Csehi, G. J. Halász, L. S. Cederbaum and Á. Vibók, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 19656 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP02164J

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