Issue 19, 2016

Elastic response and phase behavior in binary liquid crystal mixtures


Utilizing density-of-states simulations, we perform a full mapping of the phase behavior and elastic responses of binary liquid crystalline mixtures represented by the multicomponent Lebwohl–Lasher model. Our techniques are able to characterize the complete phase diagram, including nematic–nematic phase separation predicted by mean-field theories, but previously not observed in simulations. Mapping this phase diagram permits detailed study of elastic properties across the miscible nematic region. Importantly, we observe for the first time local phase separation and disordering driven by the application of small linear perturbations near the transition temperature and more significantly through nonlinear stresses. These findings are of key importance in systems of blended nematics which contain particulate inclusions, or are otherwise confined.

Graphical abstract: Elastic response and phase behavior in binary liquid crystal mixtures

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Article information

Article type
23 Dec 2015
05 Apr 2016
First published
06 Apr 2016

Soft Matter, 2016,12, 4489-4498

Elastic response and phase behavior in binary liquid crystal mixtures

H. Sidky and J. K. Whitmer, Soft Matter, 2016, 12, 4489 DOI: 10.1039/C5SM03107A

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