Issue 100, 2016, Issue in Progress

Novel application of talc nanoparticles as collector in flotation


The objective of this work is to study the application of natural hydrophobic talc nanoparticle as a new class of solid flotation collector. Quartz was used as the model mineral, and XRF, XRD, DLS and SEM as well as modified large scale Hallimond flotation cell were applied. Zeta potential measurements identified pH 1.5 as the best condition for adsorption of talc on the quartz particles. Talc nanoparticles size and time of flotation were found to affect the required amount of collector. Reducing the talc nanoparticles size from 567 nm to 235 nm caused the collector dosage to be significantly decreased from 45 kg t−1 to 2 kg t−1 within 30 min of flotation. The effect of flotation time on the collector dosage was found to be more significant for coarser talc nanoparticles. The results of this investigation introduce a new concept of natural hydrophobic talc nanoparticles acting as collector in flotation process.

Graphical abstract: Novel application of talc nanoparticles as collector in flotation

Article information

Article type
29 Jul 2016
04 Oct 2016
First published
04 Oct 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 98096-98103

Novel application of talc nanoparticles as collector in flotation

A. Hajati, S. Z. Shafaei, M. Noaparast, S. Farrokhpay and S. Aslani, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 98096 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA19276A

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