Issue 77, 2016, Issue in Progress

Synthesis of Ge/C composites as anodes using glucose as a reductant and carbon source for lithium-ion batteries


Ge-based materials as anodes in lithium ion batteries (LIBs) having a large theoretical reversible capacity are needed to overcome the unstable structural and electrochemical properties and pulverization of the electrodes for high-performance LIBs. Here, we synthesized Ge/C composites as anodes for use in LIBs via heating a mixture of GeO2 powder and glucose as both a reductant and carbon source at 900 °C under a nitrogen atmosphere. The data from X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that the as-prepared samples consist of crystalline Ge particles and an amorphous carbon phase. Compared to pure Ge, the Ge/C samples exhibit discharge capacities of ∼627.1 mA h g−1, improved cyclability, and excellent rate properties at a current of 3200 mA g−1.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of Ge/C composites as anodes using glucose as a reductant and carbon source for lithium-ion batteries

Article information

Article type
02 Jun 2016
27 Jul 2016
First published
28 Jul 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 72926-72932

Synthesis of Ge/C composites as anodes using glucose as a reductant and carbon source for lithium-ion batteries

H. Choe, S. Kim, M. Kim, D. Kim, G. Lee, S. Han, D. Kwak and K. Park, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 72926 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA14323G

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