Issue 9, 2016

Recent advances in research on lignans and neolignans


Covering: 2009 to 2015

Lignans and neolignans are a large group of natural products derived from the oxidative coupling of two C6–C3 units. Owing to their biological activities ranging from antioxidant, antitumor, anti-inflammatory to antiviral properties, they have been used for a long time both in ethnic as well as in conventional medicine. This review describes 564 of the latest examples of naturally occurring lignans and neolignans, and their glycosides in some cases, which have been isolated between 2009 and 2015. It comprises the data reported in more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and covers their source, isolation, structure elucidation and bioactivities (where available), and highlights the biosynthesis and total synthesis of some important ones.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in research on lignans and neolignans

Article information

Article type
Review Article
15 Feb 2016
First published
09 May 2016
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2016,33, 1044-1092

Recent advances in research on lignans and neolignans

R. B. Teponno, S. Kusari and M. Spiteller, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2016, 33, 1044 DOI: 10.1039/C6NP00021E

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