Issue 1, 2016

The role of atropisomers on the photo-reactivity and fatigue of diarylethene-based metal–organic frameworks


Photo-responsive metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are one example of light controlled smart materials for use in advanced sensors, data storage, actuators and molecular switches. Herein we show the design, synthesis and characterization of a photo-responsive linker that is subsequently reacted to yield MOF single crystals. The photo-responsive properties of the resulting UBMOF-2 arise from the photo-induced cyclization of the diarylethene moiety designed into the linker. Computational modeling to assess the relative energies of linker atropisomers reveals a large energetic barrier preventing facile interconversion between key species. The role of this barrier on the observed photo-induced fatigue provides useful insight into the development of advanced photo-responsive nanoporous materials.

Graphical abstract: The role of atropisomers on the photo-reactivity and fatigue of diarylethene-based metal–organic frameworks

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Article information

Article type
02 Jul 2015
17 Sep 2015
First published
21 Sep 2015

New J. Chem., 2016,40, 101-106

Author version available

The role of atropisomers on the photo-reactivity and fatigue of diarylethene-based metal–organic frameworks

I. M. Walton, J. M. Cox, C. A. Benson, D. (. G. Patel, Y. Chen and J. B. Benedict, New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 101 DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ01718A

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