Issue 4, 2016

Laser ablation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry focusing on bioimaging from elemental distribution using MatLab software: a practical guide


The parameters influencing laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry as a tool for imaging elemental distribution in tissues are critically commented on in this work, and penile cancer tissue was used as a model. General aspects of LA-ICP-MS are discussed, and among them, issues regarding sample preparation and calibration. The optimization process of the following variables is described in detail in a step-by-step tutorial manner: laser intensity, laser frequency, laser resolution, ICP radiofrequency, nebulizer and auxiliary gas flow rates, and C isotopes as internal standards. Once the best condition is found for each variable, MATLAB software is used to generate two-dimensional images. Herein it is also explained how to use MATLAB software to generate tissue images using acquisition, exporting and data treatment parameters.

Graphical abstract: Laser ablation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry focusing on bioimaging from elemental distribution using MatLab software: a practical guide

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
11 Nov 2015
27 Jan 2016
First published
29 Jan 2016

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 832-840

Author version available

Laser ablation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry focusing on bioimaging from elemental distribution using MatLab software: a practical guide

G. de S. Pessôa, J. L. Capelo-Martínez, F. Fdez-Riverola, H. López-Fernández, D. Glez-Peña, M. Reboiro-Jato and M. A. Z. Arruda, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016, 31, 832 DOI: 10.1039/C5JA00451A

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