Issue 28, 2016

A three-coordinate iron–silylene complex stabilized by ligand–ligand dispersion forces


The structural and bonding properties of a three-coordinate N-heterocyclic silyene (NHSi) complex of the iron(II) amide [Fe{N(SiMe3)2}2] are reported. Computational studies reveal that dispersion forces between the amido SiMe3 substituents and the isopropyl substituents on the NHSi ligand significantly enhance the stability of the complex, along with Fe-to-Si π-backbonding.

Graphical abstract: A three-coordinate iron–silylene complex stabilized by ligand–ligand dispersion forces

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Article information

Article type
21 Jun 2016
25 Jun 2016
First published
27 Jun 2016

Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 11301-11305

Author version available

A three-coordinate iron–silylene complex stabilized by ligand–ligand dispersion forces

M. M. Hänninen, K. Pal, B. M. Day, T. Pugh and R. A. Layfield, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 11301 DOI: 10.1039/C6DT02486F

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