Issue 30, 2016

Metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization: an approach to rapid crystallization of biomolecules


Our laboratory has recently introduced and demonstrated the use of the metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization (MA-MAEC) technique for rapid crystallization of biomolecules (e.g., amino acids, peptides and proteins). The MA-MAEC technique utilizes metal nanoparticles (silver, gold, copper, nickel, iron oxide, indium tin oxide), which are deposited on to iCrystal plates or glass surfaces to serve as selective nucleation sites and microwave-transparent medium to generate microwave-induced temperature gradients. In this highlight article, we will chronicle the effectiveness of the MA-MAEC technique as a rapid, efficient and easy to use technique for crystallization of biomolecules in potential applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Graphical abstract: Metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization: an approach to rapid crystallization of biomolecules

Article information

Article type
25 May 2016
04 Jul 2016
First published
04 Jul 2016

CrystEngComm, 2016,18, 5600-5610

Metal-assisted and microwave-accelerated evaporative crystallization: an approach to rapid crystallization of biomolecules

E. Bonyi, Z. Onuk, E. Constance, Z. Boone-Kukoyi, B. Gordon, B. Kioko, O. Daodu and K. Aslan, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5600 DOI: 10.1039/C6CE01224H

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