Issue 80, 2016

Benzoxaborole as a new chemotype for carbonic anhydrase inhibition


In this paper we report the synthesis of a series of benzoxaborole derivatives, their inhibition properties against some carbonic anhydrases (CAs), recognized as important drug targets, and the characterization of the binding mode of these molecules to the CA active site. Our data provide the first experimental evidence that benzoxaboroles can be efficiently used as CA inhibitors.

Graphical abstract: Benzoxaborole as a new chemotype for carbonic anhydrase inhibition

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Article information

Article type
03 Aug 2016
08 Sep 2016
First published
08 Sep 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 11983-11986

Benzoxaborole as a new chemotype for carbonic anhydrase inhibition

V. Alterio, R. Cadoni, D. Esposito, D. Vullo, A. D. Fiore, S. M. Monti, A. Caporale, M. Ruvo, M. Sechi, P. Dumy, C. T. Supuran, G. D. Simone and J. Winum, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 11983 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC06399C

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