Issue 53, 2016

Self-sorting regioisomers through the hierarchical organization of hydrogen-bonded rosettes


The self-assembly of two regioisomeric hydrogen-bonding naphthalenes was studied in mixed states in different polarity solvents. The regioisomers co-assemble to form heteromeric rosettes in chloroform. Upon injecting this solution into methylcyclohexane the heteromeric rosettes kinetically form amorphous aggregates, which over time differentiate into thermodynamically stable distinct nanostructures through self-sorting.

Graphical abstract: Self-sorting regioisomers through the hierarchical organization of hydrogen-bonded rosettes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Apr 2016
13 May 2016
First published
13 May 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 8211-8214

Self-sorting regioisomers through the hierarchical organization of hydrogen-bonded rosettes

K. Aratsu, D. D. Prabhu, H. Iwawaki, X. Lin, M. Yamauchi, T. Karatsu and S. Yagai, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 8211 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC03419E

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