Issue 34, 2015

New layer-structured ferroelectric polycrystalline materials, Na0.5NdxBi4.5−xTi4O15: crystal structures, electrical properties and conduction behaviors


New layer-structured ferroelectric polycrystalline materials, Na0.5NdxBi4.5−xTi4O15 (x = 0–2.5; NNBTO-x), were prepared, and the tailoring effects of neodymium (Nd) were investigated thoroughly. A relaxation in orthorhombic distortion was caused by the Nb substitution, and the compositions with high x value modification tended to crystallize in tetragonal space group. Rietveld structure refinements revealed that NNBTO-0.5 and NNBTO-1.5 crystallized in the orthorhombic space group A21am at room temperature, and Nd/Bi combinations occupied the cation sites of the (Bi2O2)2+ layers. The Nd substitution had strong impacts on the electrical properties of NNBTO-x. Ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition temperature (Tc) was lowered from about 670 °C to below 200 °C. Ferroelectric (remnant) polarization (Pr), piezoelectric activity (d33) and field-induced strain (S33) first increased, and then decreased drastically owing to a significant degradation in spontaneous polarization (Ps). In addition, the high temperature resistances of the NNBTO-x specimens were discussed and their conduction mechanisms were explored. The NNBTO-0.5 with a Tc of 670 °C had a Pr of 10.8 μC cm−1, a d33 of 24.5 pC N−1 and a S33 of about 0.04%, due to the decrease in oxygen vacancy concentration and the local lattice distortion.

Graphical abstract: New layer-structured ferroelectric polycrystalline materials, Na0.5NdxBi4.5−xTi4O15: crystal structures, electrical properties and conduction behaviors

Article information

Article type
03 May 2015
18 Jul 2015
First published
21 Jul 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 8852-8864

New layer-structured ferroelectric polycrystalline materials, Na0.5NdxBi4.5−xTi4O15: crystal structures, electrical properties and conduction behaviors

C. Long, Q. Chang, Y. Wu, W. He, Y. Li and H. Fan, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 8852 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC01237F

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