Issue 36, 2015

Panchromatic polymer–polymer ternary solar cells enhanced by Förster resonance energy transfer and solvent vapor annealing


Thanks to the bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) feature of polymer solar cells (PSC), additional light active components can be added with ease to form ternary solar cells. This strategy has achieved great success largely due to expanded spectral response range and improved power conversion efficiency (PCE) without incurring excessive processing costs. Here, we report ternary blend polymer–polymer solar cells comprised of PTB7, P3HT, and PC71BM with PCE as high as 8.2%. Analyses of femtosecond time resolved photoluminescence and transient absorption spectroscopy data confirm that P3HT is effective in transferring energy non-radiatively by inducing excitons and prolonging their overall lifetime in PTB7. Furthermore, solvent vapor annealing (SVA) treatment was employed to rectify the overly-coarse morphology, thus enhancing the fill factor, reducing interfacial recombination, and boosting the PCE to 8.7%.

Graphical abstract: Panchromatic polymer–polymer ternary solar cells enhanced by Förster resonance energy transfer and solvent vapor annealing

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Article information

Article type
02 Jul 2015
01 Aug 2015
First published
04 Aug 2015

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 18611-18621

Author version available

Panchromatic polymer–polymer ternary solar cells enhanced by Förster resonance energy transfer and solvent vapor annealing

T. Goh, J. Huang, B. Bartolome, M. Y. Sfeir, M. Vaisman, M. L. Lee and A. D. Taylor, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 18611 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA04905A

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