Issue 128, 2015

Thermoresistive properties of p-type 3C–SiC nanoscale thin films for high-temperature MEMS thermal-based sensors


We report for the first time the thermoresistive property of p-type single crystalline 3C–SiC (p-3C–SiC), which was epitaxially grown on a silicon (Si) wafer, and then transferred to a glass substrate using a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technique. A negative and relatively large temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) up to −5500 ppm K−1 was observed. This TCR is attributed to two activation energy thresholds of 45 meV and 52 meV, corresponding to temperatures below and above 450 K, respectively, and a small reduction of hole mobility with increasing temperature. The large TCR indicates the suitability of p-3C–SiC for thermal-based sensors working in high-temperature environments.

Graphical abstract: Thermoresistive properties of p-type 3C–SiC nanoscale thin films for high-temperature MEMS thermal-based sensors

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Article information

Article type
01 Oct 2015
03 Dec 2015
First published
07 Dec 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 106083-106086

Author version available

Thermoresistive properties of p-type 3C–SiC nanoscale thin films for high-temperature MEMS thermal-based sensors

T. Dinh, H. Phan, T. Kozeki, A. Qamar, T. Namazu, N. Nguyen and D. V. Dao, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 106083 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA20289B

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