Issue 93, 2015

The enhanced photocatalytic properties of BiOCl/BiVO4 p–n heterojunctions via plasmon resonance of metal Bi


Novel p–n heterojunctions of BiOCl/BiVO4 nanosheets have been first fabricated via a one step method, which becomes a unified integration due to the substation process and exhibits higher photocatalytic performance than each pure component. Moreover, the photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical activities of BiOCl/BiVO4 hybrids can be further improved by depositing metallic Bi owing to its plasmon resonance. Metallic Bi can not only furnish extra electrons to enhance the photocurrent but also supply an oxidation position to degrade organic contaminants. In addition, although BiOCl could not be excited by visible light, it could capture holes from the valance band of BiVO4, which would effectively facilitate the separation of photogenerated electron–hole pairs and thus significantly improve the photocatalytic properties of BiVO4.

Graphical abstract: The enhanced photocatalytic properties of BiOCl/BiVO4 p–n heterojunctions via plasmon resonance of metal Bi

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Article information

Article type
15 Jul 2015
01 Sep 2015
First published
01 Sep 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 75947-75952

Author version available

The enhanced photocatalytic properties of BiOCl/BiVO4 p–n heterojunctions via plasmon resonance of metal Bi

C. Feng, D. Wang, B. Jin and Z. Jiao, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 75947 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA13886H

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