Issue 84, 2015

Nanoclay based graphene polyaniline hybrid nanocomposites: promising electrode materials for supercapacitors


Nanoclay based graphene polyaniline (PANI) hybrid nanocomposites were synthesized by both in situ and ex situ approaches and the effect of the nanoclay on the energy storage capability was explored. The coating status of PANI over the surface of both graphene and nanoclay was analyzed with SEM & FESEM. The electrochemical properties of all the samples were analyzed by cyclic voltammetry, charging discharging measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy using 1 M aq. KCl as the electrolyte and a conventional three electrode system. All the results revealed a better electrochemical performance of the nanoclay based hybrid nanocomposites as compared to other systems. It was found that the in situ product exhibited a maximum specific capacitance of 375 F gāˆ’1 at a scan rate of 10 mV sāˆ’1 which was higher than other similar systems. We have also explored the effect of sequential addition of the nanoclay towards the capacitive performance.

Graphical abstract: Nanoclay based graphene polyaniline hybrid nanocomposites: promising electrode materials for supercapacitors

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Article information

Article type
10 Jun 2015
27 Jul 2015
First published
27 Jul 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 68334-68344

Nanoclay based graphene polyaniline hybrid nanocomposites: promising electrode materials for supercapacitors

R. Oraon, A. De Adhikari, S. K. Tiwari and G. C. Nayak, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 68334 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA11064E

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