Issue 4, 2015

ZnO/ITO core/shell nanostructure electrodes for future prototype solar cell devices


The impact of indium tin oxide (ITO) layers over vertically aligned zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) has been investigated to consider ITO nanolayers as transparent conducting oxide electrodes (TCOE) for hierarchical heteronanostructure solar cell devices that have ZnO nanostructures as branches. ZnO/ITO core/shell nanostructures were prepared in two-steps using vapor–liquid–solid and evaporation processes, and further the structures were annealed at various temperatures. Transmission electron microscopic studies show that the as-grown ZnO/ITO structures consist of an amorphous ITO shell on single crystalline ZnO cores, whereas the structures annealed above 300 °C consist of a single crystalline ITO shell. ITO layer deposited ZnO NRs exhibit a small red-shift in ZnO near-band-edge emission as well as optical band gap. The electrical measurements carried out on single ZnO/ITO core/shell NR under dark and UV light showed excellent thermionic transport properties. From these investigations it is emphasized that ITO nanolayers could be used as TCO electrodes for prototype ZnO based hierarchical solar cell devices.

Graphical abstract: ZnO/ITO core/shell nanostructure electrodes for future prototype solar cell devices

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Article information

Article type
17 Oct 2014
02 Dec 2014
First published
03 Dec 2014

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 2891-2899

Author version available

ZnO/ITO core/shell nanostructure electrodes for future prototype solar cell devices

M. Devika, N. K. Reddy and C. W. Tu, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 2891 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA12581A

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