Issue 3, 2015

High-grade diesel production by hydrodeoxygenation of palm oil over a hierarchically structured Ni/HBEA catalyst


A highly active catalyst, hierarchical nano-sized Ni/HBEA, is developed for stearic acid and palm oil hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) in dodecane. The TPAOH/NaOH treated hierarchical HBEA sample (crystal size: 15–20 nm) affords more homogeneously dispersed open inter-mesopores (main pore diameter: 25 nm) via controllable base leaching, as evidenced by various microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. By the formation of an aluminum complex on the crystal surface, TPA+ prevents the specific external structure from deep corrosion. After loading Ni nanoclusters, the modified Ni/HBEA was supported with more loadable and dispersive Ni nanoclusters (d = 7.7 ± 1.5 nm) in the newly formed inter-crystalline mesopores, which provide higher accessibility towards heavy molecules, as well as restrict the Ni particle growth. This novel catalyst shows a significantly high initial rate of 67 mmol g−1 h−1 (equivalent to 19 g g−1 h−1) for producing 85% n-C17/C18 and 11% iso-C17/C18 alkanes by stearic acid conversion at 260 °C and 4 MPa H2, and the efficiency of this method is far beyond the current techniques using sulfur-metal and reduced-metal catalysts. The HDO route follows the major pathway of sequential hydrogenation and dehydration steps, affording a highly atom-economical process and a suitable diesel oil ingredient (with certain branched alkanes). In addition, high activities are achieved with the improved catalyst after treatment with high concentration stearic acid in dodecane (up to 0.5 g mL−1), and the catalyst remains highly active and stable in the four recycling runs of palm oil HDO.

Graphical abstract: High-grade diesel production by hydrodeoxygenation of palm oil over a hierarchically structured Ni/HBEA catalyst

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Article information

Article type
26 Nov 2014
17 Dec 2014
First published
22 Dec 2014

Green Chem., 2015,17, 1692-1701

High-grade diesel production by hydrodeoxygenation of palm oil over a hierarchically structured Ni/HBEA catalyst

B. Ma and C. Zhao, Green Chem., 2015, 17, 1692 DOI: 10.1039/C4GC02339K

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