Volume 182, 2015

Synthesis of ammonia directly from wet air using Sm0.6Ba0.4Fe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ as the catalyst


Ammonia was directly synthesised from wet air at 400 °C at atmospheric pressure. A new perovskite Sm0.6Ba0.4Fe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ was used as the electrocatalyst for electrochemical synthesis of ammonia. Ammonia formation rates of 9.19 × 10−7 mol s−1 m−2 and 1.53 × 10−6 mol s−1 m−2 were obtained at 400 °C when wet air and wet N2 were introduced into a simple single chamber reactor, respectively. The perovskite catalyst is low cost compared to the previously reported Ru/MgO and Pt/C catalysts. This experiment indicates that ammonia can be directly synthesised from wet air, a very promising simple technology for sustainable synthesis of ammonia in the future.

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Article type
20 Mar 2015
07 Apr 2015
First published
08 Apr 2015
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Faraday Discuss., 2015,182, 353-363

Author version available

Synthesis of ammonia directly from wet air using Sm0.6Ba0.4Fe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ as the catalyst

R. Lan, K. A. Alkhazmi, I. A. Amar and S. Tao, Faraday Discuss., 2015, 182, 353 DOI: 10.1039/C5FD00033E

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