Issue 10, 2015

mer and fac isomerism in tris chelate diimine metal complexes


In this perspective, we highlight the issue of meridional (mer) and facial (fac) orientation of asymmetrical diimines in tris-chelate transition metal complexes. Diimine ligands have long been the workhorse of coordination chemistry, and whilst there are now good strategies to isolate materials where the inherent metal centered chirality is under almost complete control, and systematic methodologies to isolate heteroleptic complexes, the conceptually simple geometrical isomerism has not been widely investigated. In systems where the two donor atoms are significantly different in terms of the σ-donor and π-accepting ability, the fac isomer is likely to be the thermodynamic product. For the diimine complexes with two trigonal planar nitrogen atoms there is much more subtlety to the system, and external factors such as the solvent, lattice packing and the various steric considerations play a delicate role in determining the observed and isolable product. In this article we discuss the possibilities to control the isomeric ratio in labile systems, consider the opportunities to separate inert complexes and discuss the observed differences in their spectroscopic properties. Finally we report on the ligand orientation in supramolecular systems where facial coordination leads to simple regular structures such as helicates and tetrahedra, but the ability of the ligand system to adopt a mer orientation enables self-assembled structures of considerable beauty and complexity.

Graphical abstract: mer and fac isomerism in tris chelate diimine metal complexes

Article information

Article type
17 Nov 2014
20 Dec 2014
First published
06 Jan 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 4406-4422

Author version available

mer and fac isomerism in tris chelate diimine metal complexes

S. L. Dabb and N. C. Fletcher, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 4406 DOI: 10.1039/C4DT03535F

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