Properties and photochemistry of valence-induced-Ti3+ enriched (Nb,N)-codoped anatase TiO2 semiconductors
Nb and N codoped TiO2s are outstandingly versatile semiconductor oxides. Their high conductivity makes them valid alternatives to commercially available, but very expensive, conductive oxides. They show increased photonic efficiencies compared to the cases of solely Nb or N doped TiO2, when used as visible light sensitised photocatalysts. Furthermore, they are excellent materials for O2 sensors at very low temperature. Despite these remarkable properties, a clear picture of the electronic and optical mechanisms induced by the simultaneous presence of the dopants has just begun to be understood. Using a combination of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and optical spectroscopy, we present here novel fundamental insights into the mechanisms responsible for the enhanced conductivity and visible light photochemistry.