Issue 66, 2015

Vice versa donor acceptor fluorene–ferrocene alternate copolymer: a twisted ribbon for electrical switching


Two donor–acceptor type copolymers (PFFC-1 and PFFC-2) containing ferrocene and fluorene moieties have been successfully synthesized to evaluate the redox triggered optical and electronic properties. Interestingly, PFFC-1 shows a twisted ribbon-like morphology at the liquid interface and switches to a micellar structure on oxidation.

Graphical abstract: Vice versa donor acceptor fluorene–ferrocene alternate copolymer: a twisted ribbon for electrical switching

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Article information

Article type
25 May 2015
06 Jul 2015
First published
06 Jul 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 13123-13126

Vice versa donor acceptor fluorene–ferrocene alternate copolymer: a twisted ribbon for electrical switching

C. Chakraborty, M. K. Bera, U. Rana and S. Malik, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 13123 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC04275E

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