Issue 31, 2015

Carbon dot reduced bimetallic nanoparticles: size and surface plasmon resonance tunability for enhanced catalytic applications


We report on a simple and green route toward monometallic (Au or Ag) and alloyed bimetallic AuAg nanoparticles using citric acid-derived carbon nanodots (C-dots) as the reducing and stabilizing agent. Simple variation in the initial C-dot : metal ratio yields a smoothly tunable surface plasmon resonance and the resulting nanomaterials show excellent catalytic activity for 4-nitrophenol reduction which is fully preserved following 5 months of storage. The Au@C-dot catalyst further demonstrated intrinsic peroxidase activity.

Graphical abstract: Carbon dot reduced bimetallic nanoparticles: size and surface plasmon resonance tunability for enhanced catalytic applications

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Article type
22 Apr 2015
07 Jul 2015
First published
08 Jul 2015
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015,3, 16354-16360

Carbon dot reduced bimetallic nanoparticles: size and surface plasmon resonance tunability for enhanced catalytic applications

J. B. Essner, C. H. Laber and G. A. Baker, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 16354 DOI: 10.1039/C5TA02949J

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