Issue 33, 2015

Tetrabenzanthanthrenes by mitigation of rearrangements in the planarization of ortho-phenylene hexamers


In general, ortho-phenylene hexamers are not good substrates for oxidative planarization because of competing backbone rearrangements. However, by first planarizing the ends, a target tetrabenzanthanthrene has been obtained by oxidation in good yield. DFT calculations suggest that the larger polycyclic aromatic subunits of the preplanarized substrate increase the rate of planarization relative to that of rearrangement. By implication, it may be possible to prepare graphene structures that cannot be made directly from simple polyphenylenes by instead designing precursors with larger polycyclic aromatic moieties. The photophysical properties of the tetrabenzanthanthrene core indicate that it may have promise as a functional chromophore.

Graphical abstract: Tetrabenzanthanthrenes by mitigation of rearrangements in the planarization of ortho-phenylene hexamers

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Article information

Article type
28 Jan 2015
19 Mar 2015
First published
19 Mar 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 7245-7248

Author version available

Tetrabenzanthanthrenes by mitigation of rearrangements in the planarization of ortho-phenylene hexamers

J. He, S. Mathew, Z. J. Kinney, R. M. Warrell, J. S. Molina and C. S. Hartley, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 7245 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00826C

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