Issue 12, 2014

Novel ortho-OPE metallofoldamers: binding-induced folding promoted by nucleating Ag(i)–alkyne interactions


We have developed a new family of ortho-oligophenylene ethynylene (o-OPE) metallofoldamers. The folding of these helicates is induced by nucleating carbon–metal interactions between Ag(I) cations and the alkynes of the inner core of the o-OPEs. These o-OPEs form metal–organic assemblies where at least three alkyne moieties are held in close proximity to form novel Ag(I)-complexes with the metal ion lodged into the helical cavity. NMR titration experiments and photokinetic studies have provided quantitative data about the thermodynamic and kinetic features of such binding/folding phenomena. X-ray diffraction and DFT studies have been performed to extract structural information on how the Ag(I) cation is accommodated into the cavity. The great simplicity and versatility of these new metallofoldamers open up the possibility to develop novel structures with applications in material science and/or in asymmetric catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Novel ortho-OPE metallofoldamers: binding-induced folding promoted by nucleating Ag(i)–alkyne interactions

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
03 Jul 2014
29 Jul 2014
First published
29 Jul 2014
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2014,5, 4582-4591

Author version available

Novel ortho-OPE metallofoldamers: binding-induced folding promoted by nucleating Ag(I)–alkyne interactions

A. Martín-Lasanta, L. Álvarez de Cienfuegos, A. Johnson, D. Miguel, A. J. Mota, A. Orte, M. J. Ruedas-Rama, M. Ribagorda, D. J. Cárdenas, M. Carmen Carreño, A. M. Echavarren and J. M. Cuerva, Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 4582 DOI: 10.1039/C4SC01988A

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