Issue 3, 2014

Mechanism-guided design of flow systems for multicomponent reactions: conversion of CO2 and olefins to cyclic carbonates


A mechanism-guided design of a multi-step flow system enabled an efficient general process for the synthesis of cyclic carbonates from alkenes and CO2. The flow system proved to be an ideal platform for multicomponent reactions because it was straightforward to introduce reagents at specific stages without their interacting with each other or with reaction intermediates prone to destruction by them. This system exhibited superior reactivity, increased yield, and broader substrate scope relative to conventional batch conditions and suppressed the formation of undesired byproducts, such as, epoxides and 1,2-dibromoalkanes.

Graphical abstract: Mechanism-guided design of flow systems for multicomponent reactions: conversion of CO2 and olefins to cyclic carbonates

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
13 Dec 2013
16 Jan 2014
First published
27 Jan 2014

Chem. Sci., 2014,5, 1227-1231

Mechanism-guided design of flow systems for multicomponent reactions: conversion of CO2 and olefins to cyclic carbonates

J. Wu, J. A. Kozak, F. Simeon, T. A. Hatton and T. F. Jamison, Chem. Sci., 2014, 5, 1227 DOI: 10.1039/C3SC53422G

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