Issue 1, 2014

Industrial natural product chemistry for drug discovery and development


Covering: up to March 2013

In addition to their prominent role in basic biological and chemical research, natural products are a rich source of commercial products for the pharmaceutical and other industries. Industrial natural product chemistry is of fundamental importance for successful product development, as the vast majority (ca. 80%) of commercial drugs derived from natural products require synthetic efforts, either to enable economical access to bulk material, and/or to optimize drug properties through structural modifications. This review aims to illustrate issues on the pathway from lead to product, and how they have been successfully addressed by modern natural product chemistry. It is focused on natural products of current relevance that are, or are intended to be, used as pharmaceuticals.

Graphical abstract: Industrial natural product chemistry for drug discovery and development

Article information

Article type
Review Article
01 Jul 2013
First published
21 Oct 2013

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2014,31, 35-60

Industrial natural product chemistry for drug discovery and development

A. Bauer and M. Brönstrup, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2014, 31, 35 DOI: 10.1039/C3NP70058E

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