Issue 19, 2014

A superhydrophobic chip based on SU-8 photoresist pillars suspended on a silicon nitride membrane


We developed a new generation of superhydrophobic chips optimized for probing ultrasmall sample quantities by X-ray scattering and fluorescence techniques. The chips are based on thin Si3N4 membranes with a tailored pattern of SU-8 photoresist pillars. Indeed, aqueous solution droplets can be evaporated and concentrated at predefined positions using a non-periodic pillar pattern. We demonstrated quantitatively the deposition and aggregation of gold glyconanoparticles from the evaporation of a nanomolar droplet in a small spot by raster X-ray nanofluorescence. Further, raster nanocrystallography of biological objects such as rod-like tobacco mosaic virus nanoparticles reveals crystalline macro-domain formation composed of highly oriented nanorods.

Graphical abstract: A superhydrophobic chip based on SU-8 photoresist pillars suspended on a silicon nitride membrane

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Article information

Article type
Technical Innovation
26 Jun 2014
28 Jul 2014
First published
28 Jul 2014
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Lab Chip, 2014,14, 3705-3709

Author version available

A superhydrophobic chip based on SU-8 photoresist pillars suspended on a silicon nitride membrane

G. Marinaro, A. Accardo, F. De Angelis, T. Dane, B. Weinhausen, M. Burghammer and C. Riekel, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 3705 DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00750F

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