Issue 4, 2014

Sustainable polyesters for powder coating applications from recycled PET, isosorbide and succinic acid


A new method for the synthesis of polyesters that combines the chemical recycling of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) with the use of monomers derived from renewable resources, such as isosorbide and succinic acid, has been developed. A kinetic study has been performed in order to determine the best catalyst for PET depolymerisation with isosorbide and for the subsequent polycondensation of PET oligomers with succinic acid. Using the correct amounts of isosorbide and succinic acid it is possible to obtain polymers which well fit the properties (glass transition temperature and end-group composition) necessary for powder coating applications. The coating produced using this new environmentally friendly approach presents applicative properties similar, and in some cases superior, to those of a commercial coating obtained from non-renewable resources.

Graphical abstract: Sustainable polyesters for powder coating applications from recycled PET, isosorbide and succinic acid

Article information

Article type
13 Oct 2013
03 Dec 2013
First published
04 Dec 2013

Green Chem., 2014,16, 1807-1815

Sustainable polyesters for powder coating applications from recycled PET, isosorbide and succinic acid

C. Gioia, M. Vannini, P. Marchese, A. Minesso, R. Cavalieri, M. Colonna and A. Celli, Green Chem., 2014, 16, 1807 DOI: 10.1039/C3GC42122H

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