Issue 46, 2014

Selective conversion of alcohols in water to carboxylic acids by in situ generated ruthenium trans dihydrido carbonyl PNP complexes


In this work, we present a mild method for direct conversion of primary alcohols into carboxylic acids with the use of water as an oxygen source. Applying a ruthenium dihydrogen based dehydrogenation catalyst for this cause, we investigated the effect of water on the catalytic dehydrogenation process of alcohols. Using 1 mol% of the catalyst we report up to high yields. Moreover, we isolated key intermediates which most likely play a role in the catalytic cycle. One of the intermediates was identified as a trans dihydrido carbonyl complex which is generated in situ in the catalytic process.

Graphical abstract: Selective conversion of alcohols in water to carboxylic acids by in situ generated ruthenium trans dihydrido carbonyl PNP complexes

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Article information

Article type
03 Jun 2014
27 Jun 2014
First published
27 Jun 2014
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 17248-17254

Author version available

Selective conversion of alcohols in water to carboxylic acids by in situ generated ruthenium trans dihydrido carbonyl PNP complexes

J. Choi, L. E. Heim, M. Ahrens and M. H. G. Prechtl, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 17248 DOI: 10.1039/C4DT01634C

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