Issue 26, 2014

Crystal engineering of homochiral molecular organization of naproxen in cocrystals and their thermal phase transformation studies


Since the racemic naproxen does not have the desired crystal structure essential to induce preferential enrichment, we used crystal engineering principle to produce the required homochiral R- and S-chains in the solid state. The cocrystal structures of racemic and S-naproxen (NPX) with bipyridine (BPY) and piperazine (PIZ) were determined, which consist of homochiral 1D naproxen chains that are associated by weak non-covalent interactions. Thermal studies of both racemic and S-naproxen–bipyridine cocrystals indicated a monotropic polymorphic transformation upon heating and the new crystalline phase was characterized by DSC, PXRD, hot-stage microscopy, and FT-IR spectroscopy.

Graphical abstract: Crystal engineering of homochiral molecular organization of naproxen in cocrystals and their thermal phase transformation studies

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Nov 2013
04 Jan 2014
First published
07 Jan 2014

CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 5811-5819

Author version available

Crystal engineering of homochiral molecular organization of naproxen in cocrystals and their thermal phase transformation studies

K. Manoj, R. Tamura, H. Takahashi and H. Tsue, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 5811 DOI: 10.1039/C3CE42415D

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