Issue 23, 2014

Ion collision crosssection measurements in quadrupole ion traps using a time–frequency analysis method


In this study, a method for measuring ion collision crosssections (CCSs) was proposed through time–frequency analysis of ion trajectories in quadrupole ion traps. A linear ion trap with added high-order electric fields was designed and simulated. With the presence of high-order electric fields and ion-neutral collisions, ion secular motion frequency within the quadrupole ion trap will be a function of ion motion amplitude, thus a function of time and ion CCS. A direct relationship was then established between ion CCS and ion motion frequency with respect to time, which could be obtained through time–frequency analysis of ion trajectories (or ion motion induced image currents). To confirm the proposed theory, realistic ion trajectory simulations were performed, where the CCSs of bradykinin, angiotensin I and II, and ubiquitin ions were calculated from simulated ion trajectories. As an example, differentiation of isomeric ubiquitin ions was also demonstrated in the simulations.

Graphical abstract: Ion collision crosssection measurements in quadrupole ion traps using a time–frequency analysis method

Article information

Article type
07 Jul 2014
17 Sep 2014
First published
17 Sep 2014

Analyst, 2014,139, 6144-6153

Author version available

Ion collision crosssection measurements in quadrupole ion traps using a time–frequency analysis method

M. He, D. Guo, Y. Chen, X. Xiong, X. Fang and W. Xu, Analyst, 2014, 139, 6144 DOI: 10.1039/C4AN01216J

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