Issue 25, 2013

Photo-induced intramolecular charge transfer in an ambipolar field-effect transistor based on a π-conjugated donor–acceptor dyad


A π-conjugated tetrathiafulvalene-fused perylenediimide (TTF-PDI) molecular dyad is successfully used as a solution-processed active material for light sensitive ambipolar field-effect transistors with balanced hole and electron mobilities. The photo-response of the TTF-PDI dyad resembles its absorption profile. Wavelength-dependent photoconductivity measurements reveal an important photo-response at an energy corresponding to a PDI-localized electronic π–π* transition and also a more moderate effect due to an intramolecular charge transfer from the HOMO localized on the TTF unit to the LUMO localized on the PDI moiety. This work clearly elucidates the interplay between intra- and intermolecular electronic processes in organic devices.

Graphical abstract: Photo-induced intramolecular charge transfer in an ambipolar field-effect transistor based on a π-conjugated donor–acceptor dyad

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Article information

Article type
08 Mar 2013
26 Apr 2013
First published
26 Apr 2013

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013,1, 3985-3988

Photo-induced intramolecular charge transfer in an ambipolar field-effect transistor based on a π-conjugated donor–acceptor dyad

R. Pfattner, E. Pavlica, M. Jaggi, S. Liu, S. Decurtins, G. Bratina, J. Veciana, M. Mas-Torrent and C. Rovira, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 3985 DOI: 10.1039/C3TC30442F

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