Issue 24, 2013

Structures and pathways for clathrin self-assembly in the bulk and on membranes


We present a coarse-grained model of clathrin that is simple enough to be computationally tractable yet includes key observed qualitative features: a triskelion structure with excluded volume between legs; assembly of polymorphic cages in the bulk; formation of buds on a membrane. We investigate the assembly of our model using both Monte Carlo simulations and molecular dynamics with hydrodynamic interactions, in the latter employing a new membrane boundary condition. In the bulk, a range of known clathrin structures are assembled. A membrane budding pathway involving the coalescence of multiple small clusters is identified.

Graphical abstract: Structures and pathways for clathrin self-assembly in the bulk and on membranes

Article information

Article type
14 Mar 2013
03 May 2013
First published
15 May 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 5794-5806

Structures and pathways for clathrin self-assembly in the bulk and on membranes

R. Matthews and C. N. Likos, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 5794 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM50737H

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