Issue 14, 2013

Electric polarization frozen by a polymer network in nematic liquid crystals


We constructed nematic liquid crystal–polymer network composites by photon-polymerizing monomers in nematic phase under externally applied electric fields. The monomers formed a polymer network which can stabilize not only the director of the liquid crystal but also the electric polarization of the liquid crystal. The composites exhibited different dielectric behaviors depending on whether the monomers were polymerized under DC or AC voltages. When the monomers were polymerized under AC voltages, the formed composite responded to applied electric fields as a dielectric medium. When the monomers were polymerized under DC voltages, the formed composite exhibited a net polarization.

Graphical abstract: Electric polarization frozen by a polymer network in nematic liquid crystals

Article information

Article type
09 Nov 2012
31 Jan 2013
First published
22 Feb 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 3834-3839

Electric polarization frozen by a polymer network in nematic liquid crystals

S. E. Hicks, S. P. Hurley, Y. C. Yang and D.-K. Yang, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 3834 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM27594A

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