Issue 4, 2013

Transparent and ultra-bendable all-solid-state supercapacitors without percolation problems


A technological foundation for transparent and ultra-bendable supercapacitors without percolation effects and depth limitations is introduced, with demonstrated examples in in- and out-of-plain ultra-deformation states. This prototype system, built on large-scale interdigitated pattern type electrodes, constitutes significant advances over existing energy systems for optoelectronic systems in terms of electrochemical performance (capacitance ∼405 F g−1) and flexibility (bending radius ∼1.5 mm).

Graphical abstract: Transparent and ultra-bendable all-solid-state supercapacitors without percolation problems

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Edge Article
17 Nov 2012
28 Jan 2013
First published
28 Jan 2013

Chem. Sci., 2013,4, 1663-1667

Transparent and ultra-bendable all-solid-state supercapacitors without percolation problems

I. Nam, S. Park, G. Kim, J. Park and J. Yi, Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 1663 DOI: 10.1039/C3SC22011G

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