Issue 45, 2013

Inorganic helping organic: recent advances in catalytic heterogeneous oxidations by immobilised tetrapyrrolic macrocycles in micro and mesoporous supports


This review considers several aspects (synthetic procedures and, particularly, catalytic applications) of the recent literature (since 2000) regarding the immobilisation of tetrapyrrolic macrocycles (namely porphyrins and phthalocyanines) in micro (NaY and NaX zeolites) and mesoporous inorganic supports (M41S family), and their employment in catalysis, predominantly in oxidation. Emphasis is placed on photocatalysis, which is of importance in the degradation of pesticides, herbicides, health care, personal care and domestic care products, all of which represent a current major environmental concern. Pertinent reflections are presented on the nature of both synthetic issues and catalytic evaluations, within the perspective of what has happened in the field so far, and what are the main guidelines and problems for future developments.

Graphical abstract: Inorganic helping organic: recent advances in catalytic heterogeneous oxidations by immobilised tetrapyrrolic macrocycles in micro and mesoporous supports

Article information

Article type
Review Article
31 Jul 2013
05 Sep 2013
First published
09 Sep 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 22774-22789

Inorganic helping organic: recent advances in catalytic heterogeneous oxidations by immobilised tetrapyrrolic macrocycles in micro and mesoporous supports

M. J. F. Calvete, M. Silva, M. M. Pereira and H. D. Burrows, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 22774 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA44038A

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