Nanocomposite of superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticles and ferroelectric liquid crystal†
In this study we present a novel type of hybrid nanocomposite prepared by
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Institute of Physics, ASCR, Na Slovance 2, Prague 8, Czech Republic
b Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague, Ke Karlovu 2, 12116 Prague 2, Czech Republic
c Laboratory of Dielectrics and Magnetics, Chemistry Department, Warsaw University, Al. Zwirki i Wigury 101, 02-089 Warsaw, Poland
In this study we present a novel type of hybrid nanocomposite prepared by
V. Novotná, J. Vejpravová, V. Hamplová, J. Prokleška, E. Gorecka, D. Pociecha, N. Podoliak and M. Glogarová, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 10919 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA40737C
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