Issue 14, 2013

Optical lineshapes for dimers of polymethine dyes: dozy-chaos theory of quantum transitions and Frenkel exciton effect


The optical absorption lineshapes for dimers of polymethine dyes, as well as the lineshapes in the monomer–dimer concentration equilibria, are explained by taking into account the Frenkel exciton effect in the dozy-chaos theory of quantum transitions. The possible interpretations of the results in the dozy-chaos theory on a qualitative level are given. Attention is drawn to the universal nature of dozy chaos.

Graphical abstract: Optical lineshapes for dimers of polymethine dyes: dozy-chaos theory of quantum transitions and Frenkel exciton effect

Article information

Article type
12 Sep 2012
25 Dec 2012
First published
16 Jan 2013

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 4598-4609

Optical lineshapes for dimers of polymethine dyes: dozy-chaos theory of quantum transitions and Frenkel exciton effect

V. V. Egorov, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 4598 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA22148B

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