Issue 15, 2013

Nanobiotechnology meets plant cell biology: carbon nanotubes as organelle targeting nanocarriers


For years, nanotechnology has shown great promise in the fields of biomedical and biotechnological sciences and medical research. In this review, we demonstrate its versatility and applicability in plant cell biology studies. Specifically, we discuss the ability of functionalized carbon nanotubes to penetrate the plant cell wall, target specific organelles, probe protein-carrier activity and induce organelle recycling in plant cells. We also, shed light on prospective applications of carbon nanomaterials in cell biology and plant cell transformation.

Graphical abstract: Nanobiotechnology meets plant cell biology: carbon nanotubes as organelle targeting nanocarriers

Article information

Article type
Review Article
03 Nov 2012
11 Dec 2012
First published
12 Dec 2012

RSC Adv., 2013,3, 4856-4862

Nanobiotechnology meets plant cell biology: carbon nanotubes as organelle targeting nanocarriers

M. F. Serag, N. Kaji, S. Habuchi, A. Bianco and Y. Baba, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 4856 DOI: 10.1039/C2RA22766E

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