Issue 8, 2013

Environmental applications using graphene composites: water remediation and gas adsorption


This review deals with wide-ranging environmental studies of graphene-based materials on the adsorption of hazardous materials and photocatalytic degradation of pollutants for water remediation and the physisorption, chemisorption, reactive adsorption, and separation for gas storage. The environmental and biological toxicity of graphene, which is an important issue if graphene composites are to be applied in environmental remediation, is also addressed.

Graphical abstract: Environmental applications using graphene composites: water remediation and gas adsorption

Article information

Article type
Review Article
19 Nov 2012
17 Feb 2013
First published
20 Feb 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 3149-3171

Environmental applications using graphene composites: water remediation and gas adsorption

K. C. Kemp, H. Seema, M. Saleh, N. H. Le, K. Mahesh, V. Chandra and K. S. Kim, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 3149 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR33708A

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