Issue 21, 2013

Enhanced and directional emission of semiconductor nanowires tailored through leaky/guided modes


Photoluminescence from finite semiconductor nanowires is theoretically investigated, exploring and predicting their antenna-like properties for light emission in a variety of configurations of interest in Nanophotonics. The theoretical analysis is based on the leaky/guided mode dispersion relation for infinite nanowires, which govern the local density of available electromagnetic states. Light emission from finite nanowires is then numerically investigated in various scenarios with regard to its enhancement and directionality. A simple analytical model is derived that, upon tuning leaky/guided mode coupling through dipole position/orientation and nanowire length, allows us to predict their antenna-like behavior and thus to tailor photoluminescence (including magnetic dipole transitions) at will, with regard to both enhancement/inhibition and associated radiation patterns.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced and directional emission of semiconductor nanowires tailored through leaky/guided modes

Article information

Article type
10 Jun 2013
11 Aug 2013
First published
15 Aug 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 10582-10590

Enhanced and directional emission of semiconductor nanowires tailored through leaky/guided modes

R. Paniagua-Domínguez, G. Grzela, J. G. Rivas and J. A. Sánchez-Gil, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 10582 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR03001F

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