Issue 16, 2013

Supramolecular self-assemblies as functional nanomaterials


In this review, we survey the diversity of structures and functions which are encountered in advanced self-assembled nanomaterials. We highlight their flourishing implementations in three active domains of applications: biomedical sciences, information technologies, and environmental sciences. Our main objective is to provide the reader with a concise and straightforward entry to this broad field by selecting the most recent and important research articles, supported by some more comprehensive reviews to introduce each topic. Overall, this compilation illustrates how, based on the rules of supramolecular chemistry, the bottom-up approach to design functional objects at the nanoscale is currently producing highly sophisticated materials oriented towards a growing number of applications with high societal impact.

Graphical abstract: Supramolecular self-assemblies as functional nanomaterials

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 Apr 2013
24 May 2013
First published
29 May 2013
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 7098-7140

Supramolecular self-assemblies as functional nanomaterials

E. Busseron, Y. Ruff, E. Moulin and N. Giuseppone, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 7098 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR02176A

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