Issue 5, 2014

Gold-coated halloysite nanotubes as tunable plasmonic platforms


We propose the use of natural Halloysite Hollow Nanotubes (HNTs) as supports to generate plasmonic platforms with remotely triggered heating capacity. The chemical modification and subsequent coating with nanostructured gold either in the form of individually dispersed particles or by forming a shell with variable thickness and interconnectivity has been studied. The dielectric nature of the silica in conjunction with the plasmonic gold layer allows a flexible optical response with tunable maximum absorptions within the visible to Near-Infrared (NIR) range. The generation of hollow gold nanotubes using halloysite as a sacrificial template is also demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Gold-coated halloysite nanotubes as tunable plasmonic platforms

Article information

Article type
19 Sep 2013
29 Nov 2013
First published
29 Nov 2013

New J. Chem., 2014,38, 2037-2042

Gold-coated halloysite nanotubes as tunable plasmonic platforms

M. Zieba, J. L. Hueso, M. Arruebo, G. Martínez and J. Santamaría, New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 2037 DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ01127E

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