Issue 9, 2013

High internal phase agar hydrogel dispersions in cocoa butter and chocolate as a route towards reducing fat content


Reducing the fat content of chocolate formulations is a major challenge for the confectionery industry. We report the suspension of aqueous microgel agar particles of up to 80% v/v within sunflower oil, cocoa butter, and ultimately chocolate. The optimised emulsification process involves a shear-cooling step. We demonstrate the versatility of our method when applied to white, milk, and dark chocolate formulations, whilst preserving the desired polymorph V of the cocoa butter matrix. In addition, we show that this technology can be used as a strategy to disperse alcoholic beverages into chocolate confectionery.

Graphical abstract: High internal phase agar hydrogel dispersions in cocoa butter and chocolate as a route towards reducing fat content

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Article information

Article type
04 Apr 2013
16 Jun 2013
First published
17 Jun 2013

Food Funct., 2013,4, 1314-1321

High internal phase agar hydrogel dispersions in cocoa butter and chocolate as a route towards reducing fat content

T. S. Skelhon, P. K. A. Olsson, A. R. Morgan and S. A. F. Bon, Food Funct., 2013, 4, 1314 DOI: 10.1039/C3FO60122F

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