Issue 34, 2013

A modified cyclen azaxanthoneligand as a new fluorescent probe for Zn2+


A new cyclen derivative L, bearing a methyl-chromeno-pyridinylidene hydrazone moiety, was synthesized and studied in MeOH, as potential fluorescent “OFF-on-ON” sensors for Zn(II). Photophysical properties of this ligand being PET regulated, L was only weakly emissive in the absence of metal ions (OFF). L fluorescence was increased modestly upon addition of one equivalent of Zn(II), and further increased upon addition of a second equivalent. Therefore, Zn : L behaved as a highly sensitive ON sensor for zinc. This efficiency was correlated to Zn(II) coordination via the hydrazone moiety of the fluorophore, producing an efficient CHelation-Enhanced Fluorescence (CHEF) effect. A complementary theoretical study carried out with DFT calculations further elucidated the optical properties.

Graphical abstract: A modified cyclen azaxanthone ligand as a new fluorescent probe for Zn2+

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Article information

Article type
09 May 2013
15 Jun 2013
First published
17 Jun 2013

Dalton Trans., 2013,42, 12157-12164

A modified cyclen azaxanthone ligand as a new fluorescent probe for Zn2+

H. Nouri, C. Cadiou, L. M. Lawson-Daku, A. Hauser, S. Chevreux, I. Déchamps-Olivier, F. Lachaud, R. Ternane, M. Trabelsi-Ayadi, F. Chuburu and G. Lemercier, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 12157 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT51216A

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