Issue 19, 2013

Functionalized imido-bridged Ti(iv) complexes as new building blocks for supramolecular arrangements: generation of a 1D structure through a Mg–Cl⋯I–C halogen bonding interaction


The new functionalized aryl-imido-bridged cyclopentadienyl titanium compounds [TiCl(η5-C5Me5){μ-NR}]2, R = 4-X-C6H4 (X = CN (2a), X = Cl (2b), X = I (2c), X = (OMe) (2d)); 3,5-(OMe)2C6H3 (2e) were prepared and their appropriateness as building blocks for constructing supramolecular structures was evaluated. The presence of a functional group in the para position within the aryl-imido ligand leads to the formation of 1D arrangement for 2a, 2c and 2d through halogen bonding or hydrogen bonding interactions. In particular, the imido titanium complex 2c forms a supramolecular chain with a [MgCl2·(THF)4] unit generated in the synthesis where the metallic fragments are connected by C–I⋯Cl–Mg halogen bonding interactions (XB), being the first example within group 2 metals where the XB motif M–Cl⋯I–C appears.

Graphical abstract: Functionalized imido-bridged Ti(iv) complexes as new building blocks for supramolecular arrangements: generation of a 1D structure through a Mg–Cl⋯I–C halogen bonding interaction

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Article information

Article type
08 Dec 2012
25 Feb 2013
First published
26 Feb 2013

Dalton Trans., 2013,42, 7074-7084

Functionalized imido-bridged Ti(IV) complexes as new building blocks for supramolecular arrangements: generation of a 1D structure through a Mg–Cl⋯I–C halogen bonding interaction

F. Vidal, M. A. Dávila, A. S. Torcuato, P. Gómez-Sal and M. E. G. Mosquera, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 7074 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT32943G

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