Issue 9, 2013

Single-layer MoS2 as an efficient photocatalyst


The potential application of the single-layer MoS2 as a photocatalyst was revealed based on first-principles calculations. It is found that the pristine single-layer MoS2 is a good candidate for hydrogen production, and its catalysing ability can be tuned by the applied mechanical strain. Furthermore, the p-type doping could make the single layer a good photocatalyst for the overall water splitting.

Graphical abstract: Single-layer MoS2 as an efficient photocatalyst

Article information

Article type
27 Mar 2013
13 May 2013
First published
14 May 2013

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 2214-2220

Single-layer MoS2 as an efficient photocatalyst

Y. Li, Y. Li, C. M. Araujo, W. Luo and R. Ahuja, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 2214 DOI: 10.1039/C3CY00207A

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